Call of Duty MW3, Launched and then Stolen

The new Call of Duty was launched and then stolenThe latest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was launched on Tuesday 8th November to great acclaim in the gaming world, so much so that thieves in Paris where the new game is set attacked two Lorries that were delivering the new blockbuster games.

The first attack happened in Paris when a lorry was rammed by men wearing ski masks, when the driver got out to inspect the damage they came towards him with knives and threw tear gas at him, enabling them to steal the van.

The second robbery according to Le Parisian newspaper happened an hour later when three men stole a second van delivering the game by blocking it with a car and threatening the driver with a handgun. The French police have not arrested anyone for the crimes yet but they estimated the crooks got away with about £600,000 worth of games.

This latest Call of Duty is set to be the biggest selling version and will be the best selling game for Christmas, it’s incredible the amount of people who play in over 144 countries around the world, that would fill 80 of the world’s largest sports stadiums and between them they have shot as many virtual bullets as there are stars in the milky way.

Fans of Modern Warfare are lucky this latest series was actually made after Jason West and Vince Zampella executives of Infinity Ward were sacked.

Glen Schofield the general manager of Sledgehammer Games revealed that his company who he co-founded teamed up with Infinity Ward to complete the new title and put the drama’s behind them.

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