Star Trek Scanners to Hopefully Become Reality

Star Trek ScannersT-Rays or electromagnetic terahertz (THZ) waves are being used in full body scanners for security such as those in Singapore airport and in prototype medical devises, they can detect increased blood flow around tumours but at the moment are slow and very expensive.

Researchers have now created a way of increasing the power. T-Waves have a wavelength hundreds of times longer than those that make up visible light, by shinning a light of different wavelengths on a pair of electrodes using a tiny gap between them as an antenna to amplify the signal it make it 100 times more powerful.

The new technology will make it faster and more convenient for patients to be diagnosed quickly and more accurately and such a break through should bring us closer to getting something like the hand held medical scanners that you have seen in Star Trek called the Tricorder.Star Trek Scanners

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